york felt makers


contemporary & creative feltmaking for the textile artist


York Feltmakers is a membership organisation, though all meetings are open to non-members for a small charge. Further information can be obtained from our Membership Secretary Anne Barnard: annesbarnard@gmail.com

Membership costs

Annual membership

£35.00 per annum from 1 April to 31 March

Please make cheques payable to York Feltmakers

Membership Form

Please print and return the form below to the membership secretary.

First Name:


Address 1:

Address 2:

Address 3:


Post Code:




Sign & Date:

Monthly Meetings

Members: £3.50 per person

Non Members: £5.00 per person


Workshop events are listed in the Diary section. Booking for workshops opens approximately one month before the event. In the event of oversubscription priority will be given to YFM members. Details and booking forms will be sent to members; non-members may enquire at mgtchalmers@googlemail.com

Workshops with tutors are priced individually (non-members – extra cost). Bookings will open six weeks in advance for members.